John-Stewart Gordon

Selection of Publications

Book Editorships

  • Eds. Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon, Alison Renteln (2014). Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Eds. Jan Schildmann, John-Stewart Gordon, Jochen Vollmann (2010). Clinical Ethics Consultation: Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation. Ashgate Publishing.

Special Issues

  • Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Jerome Bickenbach (2013). Human Rights and Disability. In: The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 41(4), 749-828.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2012). Human Rights in Bioethics. In: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, published online first 04/2012, in print 15(3), 281-351.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2016). Should Moral Enhancement be Compulsory? In: Ethical Perspectives, 23(2), 277-305.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2015). Human Rights and Cultural Identity. In: Baltic Journal of Law and Politics, 8(2), 112-135.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2014). Moral Philosophers are Moral Experts! A Reply to David Archard. In: Bioethics, 28(4), 203-206.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2013). Is Inclusive Education a Human Right? In: The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 41(4), 754-767.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2012). Human Rights in Bioethics - Theoretical and Applied. In: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15(3), 283-294.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2011). Global Ethics and Principlism. In: Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 21(3), 251-276.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart, co-authored with Oliver Rauprich, Jochen Vollmann (2011). Applying the Four-Principle Approach. In: Bioethics, 25(6), 293-300.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2006). Justice or Equality? In: Journal for Business, Economics, and Ethics, 7(2), 183-201.

Entries in Peer Reviewed Encyclopedias

  • Human Rights. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy (Ed. Duncan Pritchard), published online 2013, up-dated version 10/2015.
  • Bioethics. In: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, published online November 2012.
  • Abortion. In: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, published online June 2008.

Book Chapters

  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2014). Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Global Bioethics. In: Global Bioethics and Human Rights (Ed. John-Stewart Gordon, co-edited with Wanda Teays, Alison Renteln). Rowman & Littlefield, 68-91.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2014). Refined Marxism and Moral Enhancement. In: Global Ethics and Moral Responsibiliy (Eds. John-Stewart Gordon, Holger Burckhart). Ashgate Publishing, 185-208.
  • Gordon, John-Stewart (2013). Medical Paternalism and Patient Autonomy. In: Medical Ethics (Ed. Michael Boylan). Wiley-Blackwell, 72-83.

Edita Gruodyte

  • Gruodytė, Edita, Kirchner, Stefan (2016). "Legal aid for intervenors in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights." International Comparative Jurisprudence.
  • Gruodytė, Edita (2014). "The disciplinary liability of Lithuanian lawyers: A comparative approach." Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 7/2, 1-36.
  • Berkmanas, Tomas, Gruodytė, Edita (2014). "Issues of the Reality of the Values and the Modeling of Legal Ethics." Problemos. Mokslo darbai, 79-90.
  • Gruodytė, Edita, Kirchner, Stefan (2013). "The Contribution of the European Charter of Human Rights to the Right to Legal Aid." Protecting Human Rights in the EU: Controversies and Challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Ed. Tanel Kerikmäe), Springer, 71-90.
  • Gruodytė, Edita, Kirchner, Stefan (2012). "Pro Bono Work vs. Legal Aid: Approaches to Ensuring Access to Justice and the Social Responsibility of the Attorney." Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 5/2, 43-64.
  • Gruodytė, Edita, Kiršienė, Julija (2011). "Legal Education in Lithuania: Guidelines for Quality Improvement in Accordance With the Bologna Process." Ekonomine inzinerija- Engineering Economics. 22/4, 356-366.  
  • Edita Gruodytė, Stefan Kirchner (2011). "Sanctions for Attorney Misconduct in Relation to a Client Under Lithuanian and German Law." Baltic Journal of Law and Politics. 4/2, p.24-51.

Vladislav V. Fomin

  • de Vaujany, François-Xavier, Stefan Haefliger, Vladislav Fomin, and Kalle Lyytinen (2015). "Regulation of Information Technology-Based Practices: The Case of Trading Floor Incident in an Investment Bank". In Materiality, Rules, and Regulation. New Trends in Management in Organization Studies, edited by François-Xavier de Vaujany, Nathalie Mitev, Giovan Francesco Lanzara, and Anouk Mukherjee, 250-266. Pelgrave Macmillan.
  • de Vaujany, François-Xavier, Vladislav Fomin, Kalle Lyytinen, and Stefan Haefliger (2013). “Sociomaterial Regulation in Organizations: The Case of Information Technology.” Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1). doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2013.83.
  • Fomin, Vladislav V. (2012). “Standards as Hybrids: An Essay on Tensions and Juxtapositions in Contemporary Standardization.” International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 10 (2): 59–68. doi:10.4018/jitsr.2012070105.
  • West, Joel, and Vladislav V. Fomin (2011). “Competing Views Of Standards Competition: Response To Egyedi & Koppenhol.” International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research (JITSR) 9: i – iv. doi:10.4018/IJITSR.

Jonas Ruškus

  • Pranckūnienė E., Ruškus J. (2016). Lithuania: Faster than history, slower than a lifetime, In: (Ed. Fink D.). The Real Keys
    to School Improvement. London: UCL IOE Press.
  • Ruškus J., Kuzmickaitė K. D. (2016). Trust and Verify. Return migration in Lithuania: Incoming challenges for children's education. In: M. A. Brown (Ed.). Migration and the education of young people 0-19, pp. 71-87. London: Routledge.
  • Mažeikienė N., Naujanienė R., Ruškus J. (2014). What is mixed in welfare mix? Welfare ideologies at stake in Lithuanian case of social service delivery. European Journal of Social Work, 17 (5), 641-655, Publisher: Routledge.
  • Ruškus J., Sujeta I. (2014). An Educational Response to the Issue of Online Pornography for Schoolboys: The Case of Participatory Action Research in Lithuania. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 1(3), 39-53. London: UCL IOE Press.
  • Puidokienė D., Ruškus J. (2011). What does it mean to be a prostitute? A lived personal experience of women in prostitution. Pensée plurielle: parole, practiques et réflexions du social, 2(27), 111-139. Bruxelles: De Boeck.

Vilma Žydžiūnaitė


  • Žydžiūnaitė, V., Lepaite, D., Åstedt-Kurki, P., Suominen, T.  (2015). Head nurses’ decision-making when managing ethical dilemmas. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(2), 166-187.
  • Žydžiūnaitė, V., Suominen, T. (2014). Reasons and consequences of applied leadership styles in ethical dilemmas when nurse managers make decisions. Contemporary Nurse, 48(2), 150-167. doi: 10.5172/conu.2014
  • Žydžiūnaitė, V., Lepaitė, D, Suominen, T. (2013). Leadership styles in ethical dilemas when head nurses make decisions. International Nursing Review, 60(2), 228-235. doi: 10.1111/inr.12018.
  • Žydžiūnaitė, V., Suominen, T., Åsted-Kurki, P., Lepaitė, D. (2010). The ethical dilemmas concerning decision-making within health care leadership: systematic literature review. Medicina ISSN 1010-660X; eISSN 1648-9144; 46(9), 595-603. doi: 10.1111/inr.12018.
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  • Žydžiūnaitė, V. (2015). Leadership Styles in Ethical Dilemmas. Reasons, actions and consequences when head nurses make decisions in ethical dilemmas. University of Tampere: Tampere University Press. ISBN 978-951-44-9844-2 (pdf), ISSN 1456-954X; ISBN 978-951-44-9843-5 (Print), ISSN-L 1455-1616, ISSN 1455-1616.